Gently Butting Heads


Some Lizards Love Winter


Spotted this little reptile on a trip to Cincinnati, getting what warmth he could from a sun-filled day.



Slimy and Scaly Creatures

Growing up in Texas, I developed an early fascination for all things slimy and scaly: lizards, snakes, frogs, salamanders, newts, and turtles.  My attitude toward anything that hopped, scampered, slithered, or swam was somewhat akin to Golem’s “fondness” for world-destroying golden rings, except that mine was more a combination of a scientific and artistic appreciation for these creatures.  Less doomsday and split-personality, shall we say.  In celebration of small creatures:


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Gecko on the Big island of Hawaii.




Dendrobates auratus-one of the first poison dart frogs I bred in captivity.




In search of bullfrogs in Michigan.